Volunteer Roles

Career Coach

As a volunteer career coach, you will engage with one or more of our program graduates and guide them through the ups and downs of their personal development and employment journey and provide a support framework to independently practice and apply the  skills they learned in the program, develop agency and build self-determination. You will be expected to prepare yourself by reviewing the program material and observing a coaching session and commit to an ongoing weekly 1:1 sessions with your coachee(s).

Workplace Realities Coordinator

As a volunteer workplace realities coordinator, you will contribute to our workplace readiness program in a variety of ways. You will coordinate a virtual visit to workplaces, organize guest speakers from different disciplines, expose participants to the rigorous realities of the modern workplaces, expose organizations to participant capabilities, and provide valuable networking experiences.

Neurodiversity Inclusion Champion

As a volunteer workplace champion, you will open doors for us to initiate the dialog with organizational leaders on the benefits of undertaking an intentional neurodiversity inclusion journey. You will help raise understanding in employees by inviting and hosting us for neurodiversity awareness sessions. As the organization commits to the journey, you will engage us for experiential workshops for managers, mentors, and coworkers for empowering the strengths of neurodiverse employees to shine.

Classroom Instructor

You will teach some of the program modules, lead the cohort through an interactive and experiential workshop, role play as subject matter experts or decision makers for student projects, attend project presentations to provide critical feedback, critique students’ resumes and conduct mock interviews. And you will learn from the students in ways you may not have imagined and gain possibly surprising insights about yourself.

Internship/Job Outreach Coordinator

You will source valuable internship and job opportunities for our program participants through your network and organizational contacts, establish relationships with the leaders of the ever expanding Neurodiversity hiring programs, and coordinate presentations and connections between recruiters, hiring managers and our job seekers.

Scholarship/Sponsorship Champion

You will find and connect us with organizations and individuals supportive of employment equity for neurodiverse adults, and help open doors for us to initiate the dialog with their leaders on supporting financially through scholarships and full sponsorships for our students that need them.


After reviewing above the roles volunteers can play, please complete the form below to let us know of your interest. We will get in touch with you to explore your interest in depth.